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Plastic Collector | Save Earth From Plastic Waste Save Earth From Plastic Waste - Plastic Collectors

A wholesale reduction…

We are asking everyone to help us with two major tasks- eliminate plastic waste while also addressing poverty concerns. The methodology is very simple. This European professionals-run social startup incentivizes plastic collectors. In simpler words, we help poverty-struck people get money in lieu of the plastic waste they collect.

Whether you are an investor or a collector-contributor, you can join Plastic Collectors here.

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The earth needs you

Plastic pollution is slowly turning into a bigger menace than humanity ever thought it to be. Not just landfills, plastic waste is messing up our oceans, flora and fauna, and even ending up in the human body.

Plastic is a health and environmental concern that needs to be addressed NOW!

The urgency can be understood from the great garbage patch formed in the pacific ocean- that’s now FIVE TIMES the size of Germany. Over the last 30 years, several garbage patches have been formed and if the situation is not tackled, marine life and environment are going to take a serious hit.